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Drawing with Science (Weekend Workshop)

Sat. July 22nd 2023 MISSA Shawnigan Lake BC $362

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Drawing with Science (Weekend Workshop)

Join Natasha van Netten in creating scientifically inspired drawings!
Event can be attended in person In-Person Event
Sat. July 22nd 2023 + Add to Calendar MISSA (No Minors)
9:00am - 4:00pm $362


Natasha van Netten
from Victoria BC

Presented by:

MISSA International Summer School of the Arts has been runni...
770-B Hillside Ave Victoria BC
Open / Operational

Event Description

Are you interested in the natural world? Drawing is the perfect medium for exploration and discovery.

This drawing workshop, run by the Metchosin International Summer School of the Arts, will indulge and feed your curiosity by delving into the fascinating space where visual art meets science. In this class, students will be led through a series of experimental drawing projects, will be encouraged to discuss ideas and concepts, will learn about contemporary artists and have opportunities to share their discoveries with fellow classmates.

Drawing projects will include working with watercolour, gouache, graphite and ink on paper. Students will draw from real-life specimens and will also have a chance to express imaginative, personal interpretations of the subject matter. While scientific drawing often incorporates forms of repetition and methodical approaches, students will discover its whimsical and playful side as well. Topics will include observational drawing, intentional design, scientific illustration, infographics, specimens and using microscopes.

The instructor will provide short slideshow presentations that will encourage and inspire students and share about historic and contemporary partnerships between artists and scientists. After each project, participants will be invited to share their work and individual discoveries with the group.

This workshop will largely take place in a studio room with some time spent outside observing and collecting specimens. At the end of this weekend, participants will leave with a completed series of scientifically inspired drawings and the resources to continue exploring drawing with science at home.

This is a 2-day workshop. Classes run 9-4pm with lunch included.

Shawnigan Lake School
1975 Renfrew Road
Shawnigan Lake, BC

Want to know more? Check out https://missa.ca/shop/drawing-with-science


MISSA International Summer School of the Arts has been runni...
770-B Hillside Ave Victoria BC
Open / Operational

Event Poster

Drawing with Science (Weekend Workshop) - Feb 13th @ MISSA

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