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Drawing Our Humanity: Teachings of Ubuntu

Fri. February 17th 2023 Legacy Art Galleries Free

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Drawing Our Humanity: Teachings of Ubuntu

Free Family Day Activity
Event can be attended in person In-Person Event
Fri. February 17th 2023 + Add to Calendar Legacy Art Galleries (All Ages)
12:00pm - 4:00pm  Doors at: 10:00pm Free

Event Description

Join us in the gallery for a free Family Day activity inspired by our latest exhibition, Gule Wamkulu: Dancing Indigenous Governance. Visitors of all ages are invited to create crafts using the Adinkra symbols that appear throughout the exhibition and reflect and celebrate the importance of diverse traditions in our families and communities. 
Light refreshments will be available.


Legacy Art Galleries
Legacy Art Galleries is UVic's art museum.
630 Yates St. Victoria BC
Open / Operational

Event Image

Drawing Our Humanity: Teachings of Ubuntu - Feb 15th @ Legacy Art Galleries

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