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Beautiful & Beyond v2.0 - SingYourJoy in Concert: SingYourJoy Young Adult Chorus...

Sat. April 4th 2020 Oak Bay United Church $20

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Beautiful & Beyond v2.0 - SingYourJoy in Concert: SingYourJoy Young Adult Chorus, Neko Smart (guest artist)

Join this fabulous inclusive community of young adults as they share their music...
Event can be attended in person In-Person Event
Sat. April 4th 2020 + Add to Calendar Oak Bay United Church (All Ages)
7:00pm - 9:00pm  Doors at: 6:30pm $20 general admission


SingYourJoy Young Adult Chorus
non-auditioned community chorus for young adults from Victoria BC
Available for Shows/Gigs
Neko Smart (guest artist)

Presented by:

SingYourJoy Young Adult Chorus
SingYourJoy: we are young adults singing weekly, making frie...
1355 Mitchell Street Victoria BC
Open / Operational

Hard-copy tickets

Physical tickets at: Oak Bay United Church

Event Description

Join this fabulous inclusive community of young adults as they share their music and celebrate new and old friendships.
Our concerts feature an eclectic mix of choral presentations. Beautiful & Beyond v2.0 continues to explore all aspects of beauty - of ourselves and the world around us, the physical, the mental, the emotional, from the mundane to the world-changing and beyond. We welcome Neko Smart, Victoria’s Youth Poet Laureate, as our guest artist.

Neko Smart, Victoria's eighth Youth Poet Laureate, is a graduate of Victoria High School, and the founder and former captain turned coach of the Vic High Slam Poetry Team. Neko’s passion for performance was developed through her local theatre community. She realized the importance of self expression through the arts and the significance of embracing her quirky, if not neurotic and intense, character. She encourages vulnerability in writing as a way of healing through written word.
“Poetry is a means of creative expression that enables me to process the world through the lens of my anxiety disorder,” said Neko Smart, “As Youth Poet Laureate, my goal is to emphasize the importance of cultivating open dialogues about mental health in order to reduce stigma and increase safety, particularly in youth.”

SingYourJoy Young Adult Chorus under the direction of Christine Chepyha and Gordon Miller, is joined by musicians Kelby MacNayr and Joey Smith.

Tickets: General Admission: $20
Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/beautiful-beyond-vs-20-singyourjoy-in-concert-tickets-98828447547
FB event: https://www.facebook.com/events/430724981130715/
Website: http://singyourjoy.ca/concerts-and-events/
Email: [email protected]
Call/text: 250-882-5668


Oak Bay United Church
1355 Mitchell Street
Open / Operational

Event Poster

Beautiful & Beyond v2.0 - SingYourJoy in Concert: SingYourJoy Young Adult Chorus, Neko Smart  (guest artist) @ Oak Bay United Church Apr 4 2020 - Feb 15th @ Oak Bay United Church

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