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Alain Champagne : Mal and Zombi

Fri. August 15th 2014 - Fri. August 29th 2014 Odeon Alley

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Event Info

Alain Champagne : Mal and Zombi:

Mal and Zombi is an adventure comic about a young girl in Louisianan nature. The...
Event can be attended in person In-Person Event
Fri. August 15th 2014 - Fri. August 29th 2014 + Add to Calendar Odeon Alley
All Day> All Night> All The Time
Opening: Friday 15th August 2014

Presented by:

The Ministry of Casual Living
The Ministry of Casual Living (MoCL) is a registered non-pro...
750 Fairfield Rd. Victoria BC
Open / Operational

Event Description

Mal and Zombi is an adventure comic about a young girl in Louisianan nature. The comic, created in classic 4-panel strip style, is intended as a primer for a longer story in the tradition of albums by French/Franco-Belgian artists (e.g. Hergé, Moebius, Blutch, Christophe Blain). The exhibit also displays portraits of writers and musicians whose work influenced the comic, as analogous as Maya Angelou and James Booker, and disparate as Igor Stravinsky and Nick Cave. The aim of the exhibit is primarily to tell a story which is enjoyable for all ages; and further, to promote diversity in comics in terms of subjects, readership, and creators, in part by using the exhibit as publicity for low-tuition, alternative comics education.

Alain Champagne is a French-Canadian cartoonist, musician, writer, and educator. His interests include motorcycles, fermentation, espresso, and all things DIY. He is a founder and teacher at the Colour Gang Comics School, a volunteer-run, low-tuition school entering its second year. For more information, visit www.colourgangcomics.com


Event Image

Alain Champagne : Mal and Zombi @ Odeon Alley Aug 15 2014 - Feb 12th @ Odeon Alley

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