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Play On Words

Sat. August 24th 2013 Greater Victoria Public Library - Central Branch Courtyard

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Play On Words:

The Greater Victoria Public Library (GVPL) is thrilled to be hosting this fantas...
Event can be attended in person In-Person Event
Sat. August 24th 2013 + Add to Calendar Greater Victoria Public Library - Central Branch Courtyard
1:05pm - 5:05pm

Presented by:

The Ministry of Casual Living
The Ministry of Casual Living (MoCL) is a registered non-pro...
750 Fairfield Rd. Victoria BC
Open / Operational

Event Description

The Greater Victoria Public Library (GVPL) is thrilled to be hosting this fantastic celebration of book and literary arts. As part of the Integrate Arts Festival, "Play on Words" will be showcase a jewel box of independant and local creators of playful words and images. We'll be posting more soon… until then mark Saturday, August 24 on your calendars!

In partnership with the Ministry of Casual Living, The Community Arts Council of Greater Victoria, and the OuterSpace Gallery, The GVPL's Central Branch is hosting this literary themed event. Live music will grace the atmosphere and selected artists will create live works. Free to attend.

Produced By : Cameron Kidd
Graphic by : Katie Sage and Jonathan Dowdall

see more below.....

List of participants:

Alfons and the Holograms - Trumpet player Alfons Fear performs jazz, classical, and contemporary music. Alfons Fear and the Holograms is his solo project that began as a means to create music for Art openings throughout Victoria. The use of loop effects and delays allows Alfons to create layers of trumpet sounds that provide ideal soundscapes for large spaces.

April Caverhill - April Caverhill is a Victoria based, internationally published illustrator, and a writer who frequently finds herself eating her words.aprilcaverhill.wordpress.com

Camas Books and Info Shop - Camas Books & Infoshop is a volunteer run space that promotes anti-authoritarian and non-hierarchical activism through the distribution of radical publications and artwork.http://camas.ca/about-us

Canadian Book Binders and Book Artist Guild - http://www.cbbag.ca/home.html

Cavity Curiosity Shop - Cavity is a weird tiny shop full of latest DIY releases, forgotten books, Local art, strange board games & obsolete media http://cavityproductions.ca/
Ministry of Casual Living - The Ministry will be providing hardcover books collected at the TC book fair for a selected artist to create a sculpture with. http://mocl.indivisiondev.ca/

Chris Dobell - Traditional Signwriter, specializing in custom handpainted signs http://dobelldesigns.blogspot.ca/

Christoph Hein - Hypnotist Christoph Hein invites you to experience the power of your subconscious mind.

Community Arts Council of Greater Victoria - http://www.cacgv.ca/

Espig - Architecture and Aurality; Musical selections for the courtyard of the Central Branch of the Greater Victoria Public Library.

Ground Zero Printmakers - Grund Zero will be displaying some of their "word" related etchings, mono-prints and lino-prints. http://www.groundzeroprint.com/

GVPL teen group - Button Making! http://www.gvpl.ca/audiences/teens/

Heather Cosidetto - Heather Cosidetto is an artist, writer, educator and co-director of The Wayward School, a series of skill and knowledge sharing events based here in Victoria. She has worked with the Greater Victoria Public Library, the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, Open Space and UVic and will soon be launching Connect the Dots, an alternative "school" for all ages.

Hidden City Magazine - A new magazine that shows you parts Victoria you may not know of yet.

Jonathan Dowdall - Artist Jonathan Dowdall, current Minister of Casual Living will be presenting "Word 4," an interactive text based installation. http://jondowdall4444.blogspot.ca/

Luke Ramsey - Luke Ramsey, is a co-founder of Islands Fold- an artist residency located on Pender Island, B.C, Canada. He has collaborated with over 100 different artists to date and exhibits internationally. Luke’s work is about finding harmony in organized chaos. He is currently working on a sci-fi illustrated story. - See more at: http://lukeramseystudio.com/#sthash.EtwkKgOb.dpu

MediaNet - MediaNet, a media arts production, presentation and exhibition centre in Victoria, BC, will present the screening “Beyond Words, “ a collection of works by local videomakers. Beyond Words celebrates the union of language and image in videos which incorporate poetry, text and wordplay. http://www.medianetvictoria.org/

Mikhail Miller - Mikhail will be hand lettering a large scale alphabet on panels. http://mikhailmillerartwork.blogspot.ca/

The Ministry of Casual Living - The Ministry of Casual Living will be providing hardcover books collected from the TC book fair, and other materials, to a select artist Peter Allen who will create a impromptu sculpture of the moment. http://mocl.indivisiondev.ca/

Open Space - Open Space will showcase its house publications and its fall season of coming exhibitions and residencies.http://www.openspace.ca/

Outer Space Gallery - OuterSpace is a contemporary art gallery (housed in a customized cube van). A small, personal exhibition space with a reach not accessible by brick and mortar galleries.
The curatorial focus of OuterSpace is to showcase the work of international contemporary artists and to bring the artist book to the forefront of exhibitions.
We wish to document important emerging & established artists through publications, provide flexible exhibition space and to work with collectors to discover new talent.https://www.facebook.com/outerspacegallery

Pedal Box Gallery - The City of Victoria Youth Council presents the "Pedal Box Gallery," Victoria's first bicycle powered, mobile exhibition space. http://cvyc.net/

Peter Allen & Olive - Peter and his daughter Olive will create a impromptu sculpture of the moment out of hardcover books collected from the TC book fair. http://peterallen.ca/

Perro Verlag - Perro Verlag is a renegade press that recognizes the importance of unstable thoughts and the impractical, possibly visionary intentions of comics by poets, drawings by electricians, and fiction by artists. http://www.perroverlag.com/

Polychrome Fine Art - Polychrome Fine Art is an artist owned & operated commercial art gallery which publishes art books to promote local artists. http://www.polychromefinearts.com/

Tessa Mythos - Mythos is a multi-disciplinary visual artist that has been inspired by the realms of myth and magic for as long as she can remember. She has been independently publishing her books throughout Canada for 8 years. She will have have her books, colored cards of numerous paintings, silksceened t-shirts, and posters on display. http://www.artbymythos.com/

Tyler Witzel - Tyler Witzel is an illustrator, painter and multimedia artist currently working on a book exhibiting his experimental narrative through several mediums, including pen and ink illustration, sculpture, and comics. http://tylerwitzel.tumblr.com/

Victoria College of the Arts - VCA will be providing info for their school and have student works on display. http://www.vca.ca/

Victoria Independent Authors and Publishers Association (VIAPA) - Victoria Independent Authors and Publishers Association presents books in all genres from local writers, and welcomes new members. Together with the newsletter and website Writers Choice Reviews, we promote and display some of the amazing range of literary works for which Victoria's authors are famous: www.writerschoicereviews.com.


Event Image

Play On Words @ Greater Victoria Public Library - Central Branch Courtyard Aug 24 2013 - Feb 16th @ Greater Victoria Public Library - Central Branch Courtyard

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