Profile Image: DJ Sarah-Hannah

DJ Sarah-Hannah

from Victoria BC
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DJ Sarah-Hannah

Sarah-Hannah is one of the first female DJ/ producers in Canada, a true pioneer in Canada’s electronic music scene and is the current President of the Garden City Electronic Music Society. She’s DJ’ed several international sets over the course of her DJ career: In Vancouver, Toronto, Saskatoon, Tokyo, Costa Rica, Australia, Indonesia, Amsterdam, San Francisco & all over Mexico.

One of her career highlights was opening-up for the legendary Hip Hop band ‘De La Soul’ in Amsterdam! Plus she’s DJ’ed opening sets for some of the biggest DJs in the world: Armin Van Buren, Paul Van Dyk, DJ Heather, Derrick Carter, Sasha & David Morales (to name a few).

Extremely musical, Sarah-Hannah plays various instruments: Guitar, Ukulele, Banjolele & Tamboura. She is also a vocalist and performs in various band projects in Victoria and on Vancouver Island.
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