Linden Singers of Victoria

A mix of classical & contemporary choral music from Victoria BC
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Linden Singers of Victoria

The Linden Singers of Victoria is a vibrant, mixed-voice, multi-generational, auditioned choir. Its 50 members share a passion for choral music and a commitment to creating memorable performances for their audiences. Integral to creating memorable music is their visionary leader Edette Gagné. Edette prizes creating communities where people feel valued, included and safe to take chances, so that they can grow, flourish and be their best. She champions creative programming, including staging and performances that captivate artists and audiences alike. Linden Singers looks forward to continued prosperous seasons of both touring and regular programming with Edette at the helm.

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Linden Singers New Director Press Release
LINDEN SINGERS OF VICTORIA SET TO FLOURISH WITH NEW MUSIC DIRECTOR, EDETTE GAGNE A visionary leader for this choral gem! [Victoria, BC, August 15, 2021] Edette Gagné has been named Music Director of Linden Singers of Victoria, taking...

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