Profile Image: Art In The Barn Gallery

Art In The Barn Gallery


Art In The Barn Gallery

4578 Hughes Rd. Victoria BC map
Hours: Saturday and Sunday 10:00AM to 4:00PM Plus Tuesday to Friday call 778-977-2895 and we will happily show you around the gallery
since 2010
The Barn building on our property was left empty at the end of our horses’ lives. Not wanting to have the building unused, we eventually decided to expand our home-based art and photography business which had been housed for years in our much smaller studio into this great new space. After months of renovations ART IN THE BARN GALLERY was born. We went on, to further renovate space to house Gabriel’s full-service, in-house Photography Studio and a full service on site framing shop. We both have a long history of working in Victoria as well as years of experience in our professions and work spanning Canada and other countries. It is fabulous to have such a wonderful place to showcase our work. While we predominantly display our own art and photography, we also occasionally host other talented people with locally made artwork for display and sale which includes pottery, jewelry. A must see. Open Saturday and Sunday 10am - 4pm plus Tuesday to Friday call 778-977-2895 and we will happily show you around the gallery/studio/shop.

- 325 linear feet of wall display
– successful local artists
over 200 works of art available
including originals and limited edition prints
watercolors – acrylics – oils - photography - jewelry
all this in a comfortable laid back setting
a must see
Open / Operational
Visual Arts >> Art Gallery - Commercial Promotion & Marketing >> Photography Visual Arts >> Artist Studio (Open to Public)

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Address4578 Hughes Rd.

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