Event Description
Note: Due to a delay in obtaining and entry visa, the concert originally planned for February 15, Huehuetenango, is unfortunately no longer available. We are pleased, however, to be offering in its place another fine programme featuring vihuelist Ariel Abramovich and soprano Perrine Devillers.
Argentinian vihuelist Ariel Abramovich and French soprano Perrine Devillers, perform works by the Spanish composer and vihuela player Estevan Daça (1537 – 1591/1596).
In sixteenth-century Spain, the vihuela was one of the principal instruments used for the domestic performance of highly cultivated art music. Estevan Daça was one of a number of talented vihuelists of the time who composed and arranged music for this instrument. His important collection, titled “El Parnasso” is divided into three books, and includes both Daça’s compositions and his intabulated arrangements of French and Spanish secular songs. This programme presents works from the first and third book.
Estevan Daça
(1537 – 1591/1596)
Prado verde y florido, a quatro, de Guerrero (Francisco Guerrero 1528-1599)
Pues ya las claras fuentes, a quatro, de Zaballos (Rodrigo de Çeballos 1525-1581)
Fantasía a tres, por el octavo tono
Dame acogida en tu hato
Quando las desdichas mías
Fantasía de passos largos
A tierras agenas
Votre rigueur (Thomas Crecquillon ca 1505-1557).
|Je pense en gré (Jacob Clemens non Papa) (c.1510/1515-1555 /1556)
Escripto esta en mi alma, a quatro
Quan bien aventurado, a quatro
Duro mal, a quatro, de Zaballos (Rodrigo Çeballos)
Fantasía por el tercer tono
Ay fortuna cruel, a quatro
Ay, mudo soy, hablar no puedo, a quatro
Quien te hizo Iuan pastor
Gritos dava la morenica
Nunca mas veran mis oxos