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Art Licensing Roadmap Workshops

Thu. September 21st 2023 Online

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Art Licensing Roadmap Workshops

Join visual artist Katie Brennan for a Live Online version of her Art Licensing ...
Event is live streamed / online. Online Event
Thu. September 21st 2023 + Add to Calendar Online (All Ages)
11:00am - 3:00pm

Event Description

Join visual artist Katie Brennan for a Live Online version of her Art Licensing Roadmap Workshop.

Katie has been licensing her work since 2011 and has taught other visual artists to license their work in-person and online. And this version of the Art Licensing Roadmap is a condensed version of a larger online training that had over 4 hours of content and 10 modules. And is presented in two parts.


The Art Licensing Roadmap - Part 1
Thursday, September 21st, 11am - 12noon PST

- What is Art Licensing?
- What kind of art is good for licensing?
- What your art could be used for?
- Which kind of licensing is best for you?
- How to know if you’re ready?
- How to know if it’s a good fit for you?
- What you need to license your art
- How to get ready to license your art
- The one thing you need to know about copyright
- And how licensing will change how you approach making art… forever
- Downloadable Notes with the main takeaway points


The Art Licensing Roadmap - Part 2
Thursday, Sept 21st, 2023
1 - 3pm PST $189

- The process of Licensing Your Art from Start to Finish - An Insider’s perspective
- Everything you need to know about Images
- The Nuts + Bolts of Copyright
- How to Find Art Licensors + How to Approach them
- The 5 questions you need to ask before you license your art
- An Insider’s Take on Terms, Royalties and Payment Models
- A behind-the-scenes Case Study of working with art licensors and what they’re looking for
- Downloadable Notes with the main takeaway points
- BONUS: the names of 3 Art Licensors you can approach today!

Attend both sessions + save $25


Can’t join the live sessions?
A recording of these workshops will be available
until Sept 25th @ midnight.


This workshop IS NOT FOR:

- illustrators
- photographers
- surface designers
- graphic designers
- sculptors




Event Image

Art Licensing Roadmap Workshops - Feb 16th @ Online

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