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Regan Rasmussen at Xchanges Gallery

Sat. February 4th 2023 - Sun. February 19th 2023 Xchanges Gallery Free

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Event Info

Regan Rasmussen at Xchanges Gallery

Event can be attended in person In-Person Event
Sat. February 4th 2023 - Sun. February 19th 2023 + Add to Calendar Xchanges Gallery (All Ages)
Gallery Hours: Sat & Sun 11:00-4:00 until Feb 19, 2023.
2333 Government street, Victoria V8T 4P4
Opening: Friday 3rd February 2023
Opening Feb 3, 5:00-7:00 Artist Talk on Feb 19, 2:30

Event Description


When the pandemic hit in March 2020, the artist turned inward to process the overwhelming situation. As she worked in solitude in the studio questions arose:
How do we deal with adversity both physically and spiritually?
And, as a community, how do we collectively support each other?
“It’s been said that adversity introduces us to ourselves,” adds the artist.


Xchanges Gallery
Xchanges is a member-driven artists’ cooperative operating...
2333 Government Street Victoria BC
Open / Operational

Event Image

Regan Rasmussen at Xchanges Gallery - Feb 19th @ Xchanges Gallery

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