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Global PAX Collective: Adventure & Outdoor photography presentation

Fri. August 19th 2022 The Ministry of Casual Living Free

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Global PAX Collective: Adventure & Outdoor photography presentation

Photography, videos and stories about life-changing experiences in nature
Event can be attended in person In-Person Event
Fri. August 19th 2022 + Add to Calendar The Ministry of Casual Living (All Ages)
11:30am - 12:30am  Doors at: 11:30am Free


California Mia
Oscar Manguy
Shanti Matias Gomez Cervantes
Matilde Cervantes

Event Description

Friends and family from the Global Pax Collective will share adventure and outdoors photography and videos while sharing stories about the life-changing experiences in nature worldwide. The Global Pax Collective aims to bring more awareness of the importance of peace, climate justice, holistic wellness, and the linkages between human’s lifestyles and the natural environment.

Time: 11:30AM-12:30PM

Location: Ministry of Casual Living: ENTRANCE 750 Fairfield Road. Accessible entrance is available via the door on the corner of Blanshard and Fairfield.

Age recommendations: PG14+

Accessibility: American Sign Language (ASL) upon request.

Contact: Matty Cervantes ----> [email protected]

More information:

Global PAX Collective is excited to launch our month-long artist residency at the Ministry of Casual Living. We are a self-identified community collective that includes Indigenous and non-Indigenous from around the globe who live in Victoria, B.C., newcomers in Victoria, members of the Queer and BIPOC communities and Allies.

Our mission is to promote peace and healthy communities through arts with a rights-based approach and intergenerational and multicultural perspectives. We believe that working together is essential, and we have open doors for creators and artists to join as their availability permits. We believe that collaboration enhances the creative processes. Therefore, we seek to create spaces for co-creating art for peace and planetary health with the global community.

Since 2019, we have coordinated artistic residences and cultural exchanges between Mexican
artists and artists from the Coast Salish region.

This event is part of the TIME & SPACE BIPOC Artist Residency series hosted by the Ministry of Casual Living. For more information please visit ministryofcasualliving.ca/residencies


The Ministry of Casual Living
The Ministry of Casual Living (MoCL) is a registered non-pro...
750 Fairfield Rd. Victoria BC
Open / Operational

Event Image

Global PAX Collective: Adventure & Outdoor photography presentation - Feb 19th @ The Ministry of Casual Living

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