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Exactly Right: Elizabeth Charters

Tue. December 11th 2018 - Fri. January 4th 2019 Ministry of Casual Living Window Gallery Free

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Exactly Right: Elizabeth Charters

Isn’t it all about making something out of the hard stuff through some distanc...
Event can be attended in person In-Person Event
Tue. December 11th 2018 - Fri. January 4th 2019 + Add to Calendar Ministry of Casual Living Window Gallery (All Ages)
Opening: Thursday 1st January 1970


Elizabeth Charters

Presented by:

The Ministry of Casual Living
The Ministry of Casual Living (MoCL) is a registered non-pro...
750 Fairfield Rd. Victoria BC
Open / Operational
Ministry of Casual Living Window Gallery
odeon alley Victoria BC
Closed / Inactive

Event Description

Isn’t it all about making something out of the hard stuff through some distance? This work was made a year ago, quickly, under a deadline. The neon came from a Co-op gas station somewhere on the island. When the Co-op company rebranded, switching from neon to LEDs in their new design, local sign companies were hired to remove the neon pieces from each store. I saved this piece of glass from a dumpster. The words are something that somebody used to say. I borrowed them and made them into work so I could tell that somebody I was in love with them. They dumped me over text the same day of the deadline. Aren’t you reading this because you wanted to know what the art was about?


Ministry of Casual Living Window Gallery
odeon alley Victoria BC
Closed / Inactive

Event Image

Exactly Right: Elizabeth Charters  @ Ministry of Casual Living Window Gallery Dec 11 2018 - Feb 17th @ Ministry of Casual Living Window Gallery

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