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Kitty & The Rooster , Secret Emchy Society, Carolyn Mark

Thu. May 10th 2018 Vinyl Envy $10

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Kitty & The Rooster , Secret Emchy Society, Carolyn Mark

Vinyl Envy is very proud to present another All Ages show featuring the talented...
Event can be attended in person In-Person Event
Thu. May 10th 2018 + Add to Calendar Vinyl Envy (All Ages)
7:30pm - 10:00pm  Doors at: 7:00pm $10


Kitty & The Rooster
Secret Emchy Society
Carolyn Mark
coastal and western from Victoria BC
Available for Shows/Gigs

Event Description

Vinyl Envy is very proud to present another All Ages show featuring the talented:

Kitty & The Rooster (Vancouver, BC)
Beloved former side-people take the spotlight and own it! Kitty (aka Jodie Ponto) on a cocktail kit and The Rooster (aka Noah Walker) on dreamy surf guitar. They sing their official bio!

The Secret Emchy Society (Oakland, CA)
Cindy Emch of Feral and Vagabondage often heads North to collaborate with our people. She made her album 'The Stars Fall Shooting Into Twangsville' right here in Victoria with Tolan Mcneil and a motley crew of likely misfits.

She sings deeply personal, fearless, and passionate tunes for the marginalized and festive alike. Pairs well with whisky and hitting the streets.

and the one & only
Carolyn Mark (Victoria, BC)
Queen of Vancouver Island, Boozy Chanteuse and Logan's Pub Hootenanny Hostess, Carolyn Mark plays rare local record shop show with favourite minions. Don't miss out!

~ ~ ~ Thursday May 10th ~ ~ ~
Doors 7:00PM - $10 at the door
ALL AGES WELCOME - Kids 13 and under get in FREE
1717 Quadra Street
Victoria, BC


Vinyl Envy
1717 Quadra Street
Open / Operational

Event Poster

Kitty & The Rooster , Secret Emchy Society, Carolyn Mark @ Vinyl Envy May 10 2018 - Dec 18th @ Vinyl Envy

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