Event Info
A Winter Romance in NO FUN City 2018: No Fun, David M., Lester Interest, Dave Dedrick, Pete Campbell
The whole NO FUN gang is back, and they're in the mood for love, or at least hud...
9:00pm Doors at: 8:00pm
The Beatles of Surrey from Vancouver BC
Pete Campbell
from Vancouver BC
Event Description
The whole NO FUN gang is back, and they're in the mood for love, or at least huddling together for warmth, which means that it's time for "A Winter Romance in NO FUN City 2018"!
Because Winter drags on for a miserable, eggnog-free three months after Christmas, all of those great non-Christmas Wintertime songs like "Winter Wonderland" and "Baby It's Consensual Outside" get thrown out with the frozen bathwater, in a massive chunk.
Right in the middle of that same chilly season, the popular yet hopeless romantic semi-holiday Valentine's Day serves as a yearly reminder that love blooms about as often as flowers in February (meaning: it's rare).
Trust David M. and his amorous cohorts (Lester "Loverboy" Interest, Dave "Darling" Dedrick, and Pete "PuckerUp" Campbell) to come up with a one-size-fits-all-nudge-nudge-wink-wink solution to everything but the eggnog!
So parka your ass and enjoy Winter songs, Love songs, New songs, Old songs, Older songs, Even Older Still songs, Wicked-Old songs, Whoa-Hey-They're-Not-THAT-Old songs, and Fresher Than Springtime songs with the debonair lads who will teach you everything there is to know about Love in Wintertime...except why!
Like some pleasin', freezin' device, Love served cold IS nice!
447 Columbia Street
Open / Operational