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Wegadesk Gorup-Paul : Geometric Gifts

Sat. March 12th 2016 - Sat. March 26th 2016

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Event Info

Wegadesk Gorup-Paul : Geometric Gifts:

Exhibition Statement : Understanding personalities of shapes and colours. Ar...
Event can be attended in person In-Person Event
Sat. March 12th 2016 - Sat. March 26th 2016 + Add to Calendar
Opening: Saturday 12th March 2016

Presented by:

The Ministry of Casual Living
The Ministry of Casual Living (MoCL) is a registered non-pro...
750 Fairfield Rd. Victoria BC
Open / Operational

Event Description

Exhibition Statement : Understanding personalities of shapes and colours.

Artist's Bio : Wegadesk D. Gorup-Paul's inspiration for his art comes from the beautiful surroundings of his home city, Victoria.

Weg- "We owe great thanks to the Esquimalt and Songhees First Nations for living in harmony with nature so we can enjoy the abundance of trees and wildlife while living in a Capital City!"

In the early 2000's Wegadesk enjoyed local celebrity status as an Olympic level high diver and motivational speaker talking about athletics and exercise as a means to assist the body with regulating healthy emotions and mental processes. Since retiring from diving in 2008 Art has been his major focus as it helps him learn and practice natural expression.

Weg- "As a national team athlete my lifestyle was very strict and did not leave much room for self exploration. I've found art to be very healing because with art you can't ever make a mistake."

Aside from art Wegadesk currently works his private consulting company, Action Culture, which focuses on assisting clients achieve a wide range of goals from overcoming trauma to setting new personal bests!
To learn more about Action Culture, and see more Art by Wegadesk visit www.wegadesk.com

Contact :

e. Canadian_diver
w. www.wegadesk.com


Event Image

Wegadesk Gorup-Paul : Geometric Gifts @  Mar 12 2016 - Feb 12th @

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