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House Plants on Tour: A bike ride with Sergio Rojas Chaves

Fri. September 25th 2015 Fernwood square and surrounding areas

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House Plants on Tour: A bike ride with Sergio Rojas Chaves:

Recently I have been interested in the dialogue between Indoor and Outdoor speci...
Event can be attended in person In-Person Event
Fri. September 25th 2015 + Add to Calendar Fernwood square and surrounding areas

Presented by:

The Ministry of Casual Living
The Ministry of Casual Living (MoCL) is a registered non-pro...
750 Fairfield Rd. Victoria BC
Open / Operational

Event Description

Recently I have been interested in the dialogue between Indoor and Outdoor species. This interest has led me to carry out a series of walks with my house plants around the city of
Victoria in an effort to understand how they exist in both spaces and also wanting to give them an experience they have never had before.

'Indoor' is a human concept; Nature, in turn, is not. We insist on bringing nature into our indoor spaces in order to control it. We have domesticated species of plants and animals, controlling their behaviors and fostering interdependent relationships. By adapting species to our liking we have anthropomorphized the plants we have domesticated.

It is silly to take an indoor plant out for a ride... Or is it? A plant will never display any gratitude or reaction of the excursion we will take them on like a pet might. Like animals, plant
species live in a community within an environment but by potting them and bringing them into our homes they become a product of consumerism. Spending time with these indoor plant
species draws attention to the parallels between our own living and growing within a community.

We invite you to share your lovely plants with us for this artistic action! They will be taken care of and brought back to you after our ride. They will get to see the city and the ocean, they will also feel the wind and the rain on their leaves. You are also welcome to ride along with us and take part of this tour experience! We will depart from the Fernwood Square on Friday at 1pm, If you would like your plant picked up before the event please e-mail [email protected].

MoCL thanks the City of Victoria strategic planning grant for their generous support of this project.


Event Image

House Plants on Tour: A bike ride with Sergio Rojas Chaves @ Fernwood square and surrounding areas Sep 25 2015 - Feb 17th @ Fernwood square and surrounding areas

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