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Hector Espinosa : No Anunciar

Fri. September 11th 2015 - Fri. September 25th 2015 Odeon Alley & Slide Room Gallery

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Event Info

Hector Espinosa : No Anunciar:

NO ANUNCIAR/DO NOT ADVERTISE Curated by la Galeria Anomelia for the Ministry of...
Event can be attended in person In-Person Event
Fri. September 11th 2015 - Fri. September 25th 2015 + Add to Calendar Odeon Alley & Slide Room Gallery
Opening: Thursday 17th September 2015
7-10pm, Legacy Gallery

Presented by:

The Ministry of Casual Living
The Ministry of Casual Living (MoCL) is a registered non-pro...
750 Fairfield Rd. Victoria BC
Open / Operational

Event Description

Curated by la Galeria Anomelia for the Ministry of Casual Living
Show description written by Hector Espinosa
Translation by Kay Gallivan

En la Ciudad de México abundan letreros en bardas que contradictoriamente nos piden “NO ANUCIAR”. Esta sentencia esta dirigida a todos los que habitamos o transitamos por la capital, porque para nosotros los mexicanos la calle es el mejor medio para informar, denunciar o simplemente expresarse, aunque sepamos que hacerlo de esta forma está prohibido; las calles están repletas de imágenes: carteles que venden algún producto o promocionan un concierto masivo, propaganda política anunciando “lo bien” que el gobierno hace su trabajo, lonas solicitando información sobre una persona extraviada o secuestrada, fotocopias que prometen recompensa por un perro perdido. En distintas épocas, diversos artistas y colectivos también han tomado las calles de la ciudad para
mostrar su obra y así tratar de reconciliar el arte con la sociedad. Obedeciendo a esta necesidad, Galería Anomalía presenta la instalación de obras “NO ANUCIAR”. Estas piezas son una pequeñísima parte de la obra de cada artista participante; cada uno de ellos tiene su propia historia y así lo refleja su pieza; algunos son artistas que se forjaron en la academia, otros son autodidactas; unos nos demuestran su gran habilidad para el grabado y otros cautivan con la espontaneidad de un monotipo.
La diversidad es la principal cualidad de esta instalación: diversidad de técnicas y temáticas, diversidad de voces y artistas. Nuestro objetivo es mostrar esta multiplicidad de piezas en el contexto al que
pertenecen y para lograrlo nos apoyamos del texto o la nota al pie de obra para crear una narrativa que abra una pequeñísima ventana al quehacer artístico en México.

Aristas invitados:
Daniel Berman (Veracruz, México)
Héctor Espinosa (Distrito Federal, México)
Utopía Gráfica/Teresa Olmedo (Distrito Federal, México)
Antonio Domínguez (Estado de México,México)
y Emanuel Cárdenas (Distrito Federal, México)
Noé Vázquez (Distrito Federal, México)
Tlacolulokos/Darío Canul y Cosijoesa Cernas (Oaxaca, México)
Leonardo Díaz (Guanajuato, México)
Demián Flores (Oaxaca, México)
Rodrigo Suárez (Distrito Federal, México)
Arte Jaguar/ Emanuel Santos Cer y Javier Santos Smek(Oaxaca, México)
Uriel Barragán Bouler (Oaxaca, México)

In Mexico City there are an abundance of signs on fences that ironically read, “no anunciar” or “do not advertise”.

This statement is directed at everyone who inhabits or travels though the capital, because for us Mexicans the street is the best way to inform, report or just express ourselves.
Although we know that it is prohibited, the streets are full of images: posters selling a product or promoting a massive concert, political propaganda praising the “good” work of the government, canvases seeking information on missing or kidnapped people, or photocopies promising a reward for a lost dog.

Occasionally various artists and art collectives have also taken to the streets of Mexico City to show their work, in this way attempting to create a relationship between their art practice and society at large. Following this need, la Galeria Anomalia presents "NO ANUCIAR". This exhibition features a very small sample of the work of each participating artist; each with their own history which is reflected in the different pieces. Some are artists have an academic background, others are self-taught. Many of the artists exhibited use printmaking techniques such as engraving or monotype in their street art.

Diversity is the main characteristic of this installation: technical and thematic diversity, diversity
of voices and artists. Our goal is to show the multiplicity of parts in the context to which they relate and to open a tiny window to artistic work in Mexico.

Hector Espinosa was born in Mexico City and completed a Visual Arts degree at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Espinosa’s first solo photography exhibition was in 1996, and since then he has explored the processes of image creation through the use of various graphic techniques. In 2011, Espinosa formed Galeria Anomolia, an independent exhibition space and print studio. Galeria Anomalia has been the site of various collaborations between Mexican artists and visiting artists from Canada, Guatemala, Spain and Germany. These have primarily entailed mural painting and workshops in various urban neighborhoods in Mexico City and Oaxaca, seeking primarily to promote coexistence between art, the street and its inhabitants.


Event Image

Hector Espinosa : No Anunciar @ Odeon Alley & Slide Room Gallery Sep 11 2015 - Feb 15th @ Odeon Alley & Slide Room Gallery

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