Event Info
Officially Bilingual/Officiellement bilingue:
Echenberg and Thomas performances: Friday, February 28, 2014, at 8:00 p.m.
By Donation
Event Description
Echenberg and Thomas performances: Friday, February 28, 2014, at 8:00 p.m.
Babin and Zapf performances: Saturday, March 1, 2014, at 8:00 p.m.
Rachel Echenberg artist's talk: Wednesday, February 26, 2:30 p.m., Camosun College, Lansdowne Campus, Young Building Room 216
Rachel Echenberg and Sylvette Babin, two of Quebec’s acclaimed performance artists, join local artists Serina Zapf and Will Thomas for Officially Bilingual, a weekend of performance art—a particular visual art practice, distinct from theatre or dance.
Officially Bilingual is the second event in this series that continues Open Space’s history of hosting performance art influenced, in large part, by the practice of local artists John Boehme and Judith Price. Boehme and Price have initiated this project as an opportunity to present work from well-known Quebec artists who have rarely been invited to perform in Victoria. The title of this project suggests an active engagement with the unique language of performance actions as much as a play on Canada’s national language policy.
Rachel Echenberg et Sylvette Babin, deux artistes québécois de renom en art performance, se joindront aux artistes locaux Serina Zapf et Will Thomas pour l’événement intitulé Officiellement bilingue, lequel aura lieu durant une fin de semaine dédiée à l’art performance, pratique d’art visuel spécifique étant ni théâtre ni danse.
Officiellement bilingue s’inscrit dans la tradition mise de l’avant par Open Space d’organiser des événements d’art performance qui sont influencés, en grande partie, par la pratique des artistes locaux John Boehme et Judith Price. Or, John et Judith ont amorcé ce projet afin d’exposer les oeuvres d’artistes québécois réputés qui ont rarement été invités à présenter à Victoria. Le titre de ce projet évoque un engagement actif envers le langage unique de l’action-performance ainsi qu’un jeu de mots à l’égard de la politique linguistique nationale du Canada.
Program supporters: The British Columbia Arts Council, British Columbia Community Gaming Grant, the Capital Regional District, the Canada Council for the Arts, the City of Victoria, and the Victoria Foundation.
510 Fort Street
Multi-Purpose / Hall
Open / Operational