Cheap Trick proves endless talent performing on "Guitar Center Sessions" season finale.
The unrivaled band shows no signs of slowing down as they amaze the crowd with their classic, high-charting song, "Dream Police".
The group recently toured th
Times Colonist interviews Kirsten Van Ritzen about her acting roles in television movies filmed in Victoria in 2015.
Teenage Kicks are kicking up a storm once again
1964: Beatles' TV appearance sparked cultural revolution
Video by Lola Parks keeps levidrome front of mind. Victoria boy's word continues to gain momentum online. Lucky Budd, father of Levi Budd, campaigns to get "levidrome" in the dictionary.
In the ever-changing world of indie-rock, be it Vancouver or elsewhere, it’s a respectable feat to maintain a working band for ten years…and the Buttless Chaps have been doing just that, with no signs of wearing out or slowing down. Cor...
Fans of guitar tone have a lot to learn about Bill Johnson. His fourth album, Cold Outside should be the one that has this Vancouver Island native flying high above the radar, finally. Ripe with an abundance of select tracks, Johnson proves...