Oh Pinny, Please

Oh Pinny, Please is the surprisingly punchy debut from these local cats. Something about their tight, fast-paced sound really gets under my skin and appeals to my love of “cheap sounding” and understated garage rock. But don’t get me wrong, cheap doesn’t mean it sounds shoddy. In some cases the lo-fi approach can make a recording so much more effective and real and perhaps if Blue And White Van had taken it to a more professional level this album wouldn’t have the appeal that it does. As it is, Oh Pinny, Please stands tall and grabs this kid by the ears. The album opens with “White Tyres”, a fun as heck little number that gets the adrenaline flowing right away. From there it’s track after track of good energetic fun. These guys are not taking themselves too seriously but are still pretty serious about playing the shit out of their instruments. Oh Pinny, Please, in all of its 25 minutes of scrap-dogged glory, comes, plays, steals your beer and leaves you with a happy, jumpy feeling inside. Now lets see more live shows! Posted: Jul 9, 2009
In this Article Artist(s) Blue + White Van