Burn In Hell is new on the thrash scene, unless there is no such thing as a thrash scene, in which case they are just new. You’ve got Cam and Chad from Scabs, and Chad and Andrew formerly of Days of Decadence, (only one Chad all together) then you throw in Charlie E. Thompson on vocals and you’ve got Burn In Hell. I’ve known Charlie for a long time. He was a wild child back in the day and we used to do a lot of stupid crazy shit. Now it seems liked he has grown up and is moving on to bigger and better things, things called Burn In Hell.

Denis: Tell me about Burn In Hell and how it all came about.

Charlie: Burn in Hell came together after Chad called me up one day to see if I wanted to do some vocals for a new project he and Andrew were working on. I went down to their space to check it out and lay some vocals. It was hard for me because it has been six years since I had been in a band, but things instantly came together.

Denis: How would you explain Burn In Hell’s music?

Charlie: Well if you like to thrash around and bang your head, you will like the sound we project. It combines many different influences. You get metal, hardcore and thrash; a little something for everyone.

Denis: What the hell are you singing about in those crazy songs of yours?

Charlie: I try not to be too straightforward with my writing. It’s a bit dark, with some political undertones.

Denis: Remember back in the day when you used to drink nasty blended up concoctions of rotten food as a party trick for money? Do you still do anything like that?

Charlie: (Laughs) Not anymore. I was just a kid then and would do and try anything that came my way.

Denis: How about when your favourite jams came on the stereo and you’d throw your body around like a rag doll? Have you incorporated this into the Burn In Hell live show?

Charlie: Yes.

Denis: How did you come up with the name Burn In Hell?

Charlie: Chad came up with it. He has wanted to name a band Burn In Hell for a long time and thought this one fit the part.

Denis: Tell me about the recording process.

Charlie: We recorded 8 tracks with Andy at Crimson Studios. To me the recording process was new. I have never recorded before, so not holding a microphone in my hand was pretty interesting. Everyone else had experience being in the studio so they helped me out and I caught on fast.

Denis: I hate to bring up the past again, but you been dumpster diving lately?

Charlie: No, I think the days of jumping off of roofs into dumpsters is over for me. Let the kids have the fun.

Denis: What does the future hold for Burn In Hell?

Charlie: We are working on some new material and are thinking of doing a split with some friends.

Burn In Hell plays Thursday May 28th @ The Cobalt for the Mudlark/Scumbelly tour kickoff along with Bogus Tokus. Come early, Burn In Hell is up first. Posted: May 24, 2009
In this Article Artist(s) Burn In Hell