Profile Image: Randy Bailey

Randy Bailey

Frontman / Guitarist from Victoria BC
? - March 18 2022


Randy Bailey

Guitar Professional
Vocals Professional
Bass Professional
Randy Bailey has been a performer for over 40 years... heavily steeped in a mix of British rock, southern blues and California party rock. a former member of "Cold Sweat", "Unchained" (tribute to Van Halen), "Frenzy", "Sidewinder","November Witch" (tribute to OZZY ) "The Magic Carpet Ride". A Seattle based band that has original music and is licensed by Steppenwolf as a tribute band, Toured with multi-platimum artists "Iron Butterfly" on their FINAL North American tour..( as one of the original members Lee Dorman passed away in late 2012...Randy has the ability to front the band with a guitar or without.... that span a career from 1965 (Gumby and Pokey commercials) to the California state fair in 1985 ("Unchained") currently a member of "SPLINTER a three piece rock band in Victoria...He is available for studio projects and has a full size 3 way PA System for hire as well.He has worked as a sound engineer both locally and in the USA... mixed members of "The Paul Rodgers Band and "The Runaways, and countless local bands

Community Events

Current Projects

Lead Vocals
2011 - present

Past Projects

The Magic Carpet Ride
Lead Vocals/guitar
2011 - 2012
Lead Vocal
2011 - The End
Lead Vocals/ Sound Tech
2009 - The End
Goin Nowhere
lead guitar vocals
2004 - 2009
A Stiff Proposition
Lead Guitar / Vocal
2000 - 2002
Stiff Proposition
Lead Guitar/Vocal
2000 - 2002
the Stratocats
lead vocal lead guitar
1996 - 1998
Blak Box
lead guitar vocal
1992 - 1993
The Simpsoms
lead guitar lead bck vocals
1991 - 1994
Cold Sweat
Lead Vocals/Guitar
1990 - 1991
Fun turns Fatal
lead vocal ,Lead guitar
1988 - 1989
Lead Vocals/Guitar
lead vocals guitar
1982 - 1983
guitar and vocals
1982 - 1983
lead guitar and vocals
1976 - 1982
Midnight Island
lead vocals, guitar
1974 - 1976

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