w/ The Tranzmitors / Master Apes / Los Tycoons
The Biltmore Cabaret
July 11th, 2008
Mmmm! The Biltmore, with its refurbished red booths, red lights, cavernous mystery – once the most depressing waste of space in Mt. Pleasant, it is...
I’ve heard from numerous sources that the dance floor at the Commodore is supported by a layer of tennis balls, but I’ve never had cause to believe it until TV on the Radio unknowingly put this hearsay to the test. During a visceral tak...
The Bronx/ A Textbook Tragedy/ Battle Snakes @ Richard’s on Richards
April 1st 09
By: Denis Maile
My night began with me trying to scalp my ticket out front of Richard’s. I had only just found out that day that I would be on the g...
Victoria’s Tequila Mockingbird Orchestra recently played Upstairs Cabaret here in their hometown of Victoria with locals Compassion Gorilla and Carousels opening up. There was a strong sense of community and no shortage of dancing at the ...
Grade 4/5 students attending McKenzie Elementary produce poems and pictures for Swan Creek bridge
Bluegrass fans were treated to a lively and fun evening Friday night, Nov. 4, at Char's Landing.
Bluegrass Fever tore through an eclectic repertoire, consisting of traditional American tunes like Sweet Sally Brown and Fly Around My Prett...
Friday June 6, 2008 @ the Railway Club
Expectations were running high for this CD release. Swank’s epic new CD/Karaoke DVD release Campfire Psalms has been greeted with banner press all around. Punters filled the Rail early, imbibing...
Saturday November 15th 2008
What was supposed to be a review of one show has been altered by restless feet and a desire to see a couple of shows if possible in one night. Canucklehead punk veterans SNFU pinned the audience to the mat at...
To understand the resurgent popularity of thrash metal among a new generation of fans one need look no further than Brazilian thrash stalwarts Sepultura.
A review of Bat Sabbath with Black Mastiff and Ethereal Tomb, November 26 at The Broom Factory.
Blue Oyster Cult appeared at the PNE years back and gifted their audience with a towering fury of ten guitars driving their howling classic,”Godzilla”. The overpowering glory of their stringed abundance ground itself into the memory of...
Well, it’s that time of year again: Faceplant Studios will be holding their 14th annual showcase June 6th at the Railway Club. With a thirty band line-up assembled from the community of a rehearsal/recording studio the show is eclectic ...
Yowza! Saturday night was a melting pot of birthdays, friends, and 4 of Vancouver’s finest bands all under one small jam-packed roof. Getting over the ridiculous layout of The Railway takes some time getting used to if you’re not a regu...